Taking the “Active” out of Proactive Maintenance

What if your commercial roof was always ready? Ready for torrential rain, gale-force winds, blazing sun, and heavy snow? What if you didn’t have to do a thing to get it ready? It’s no longer wishful thinking…

We all know preventative maintenance on a recurring basis increases ROI of your assets. From the HVAC system and roof to the parking lot and beyond, regularly scheduled maintenance also has a variety of other benefits, including:

  • Improved client and employee experiences
  • Fewer business interruptions and downtime
  • Decreased work order and administrative work
  • Less reactive stress
  • Greater safety

Yet studies reveal that very few people do it… but why?

After countless conversations with property managers, facility managers, asset managers, contractors, and consultants, we’ve determined the reason is because it’s hard.

Finding the right vendors, scheduling the maintenance, keeping record, tracking the results, making the necessary repairs, assuring that you’re not over-maintaining –– the list goes on and on. So how can it be easier? By outsourcing more responsibilities to your vendor partners.

But which vendors are the right candidates? Here’s the criteria you should look for:

  • Specialization: A focus in one area or trade­­––so they can help you make the best decisions possible
  • Experience: Experienced in their trade through work on various property types, using different materials and methods to solve problems
  • Communication: Robust scheduling and reporting tools – giving you visibility on demand
  • Trust: Good stewards of your resources and sound decision-making with your best interest in mind

Our lifecycle ownership program is built on these criteria. We do more than repair and replace. We return to your roof regularly. During each visit we assess your roof, refine your maintenance plan, and manage any necessary repairs. Ultimately, this makes preventative maintenance predictive…and easier.

Want to know more? Let’s talk!